Experience of remote application of the induction program of muscle relaxation (P20)

Experience of remote application of the induction program of muscle relaxation (P20)

AUTHORS : Tikhomirov D.D. | Solomatin V.A. | Pozhidaev I.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center for High Technologies, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Experience

Induction programs (IP) are programs for influencing the body by external electromagnetic oscillations in the frequencies of the biocurrents of the brain. A resonant response of the body or its individual organs and systems arises to electromagnetic waves strictly defined in frequency and amplitude. The body itself restores disturbed functional rhythms, and induction therapy is only a stimulus for recovery.

Induction programs have proven to be an effective method of activation adaptive mechanisms through the hypothalamus, which leads to the normalization of the control of homeostatic reactions in various pathological conditions. With the advent of the IMEDIS equipment, it became possible to apply this method to treat a wide variety of diseases. Induction programs have been successfully used for stress, sleep disorders, treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children, stuttering, epilepsy, hypertension, cerebrovascular insufficiency. PIs have been developed for the development of memory, the effectiveness of learning, the development of creative abilities, etc.

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