Optimization of structured energy flows in the body – a prerequisite for successful therapy of diseases

Optimization of structured energy flows in the body – a prerequisite for successful therapy of diseases


RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Biosensorics and Bioenergetic Environmental Research, Liboch, Austria
YEAR : 2015


The concept of energy, introduced by physicists, is the ability to perform work. More precisely, energy (ancient Greek ἐνέργεια – action, activity, force, power) is a scalar physical quantity, which is a single measure of various forms of movement and interaction of matter, a measure of the transition of the movement of matter from one form to another. In “lifeless” natural science, this very general formulation is valid. If a physical
system is closed, then its energy is stored in this system during the time during
which the system will be closed. This statement is called the law of conservation of



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