ART in clarifying the diagnosis of cancer. Dirofilariasis – superficial tumors.

ART in clarifying the diagnosis of cancer. Dirofilariasis – superficial tumors.

AUTHORS : Eliseeva O.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Type of Application

The significance of ART diagnostics in the study of patients with a diagnosis and a sentence of cancer is enormous. And the more you look at patients diagnosed with cancer, the more often the ART method reveals everything new and unexpected for me. Example Two patients – one from Ukraine, the second from Siberia, 33 and 37 years old, came to clarify the diagnosis with a histological conclusion: atypical cells, adenocarcinoma of the mammary gland in the puncture.

When examining the mammary glands at a depth of ~ 1 cm from the skin surface, tuberous formations were palpated, not welded to the surrounding tissues, painful when pressed. Moreover, a patient from Siberia said that she had this tumor twice moved. I make diagnostics using the ART method for a long time and persistently: there is no positive data on the presence of fungi and helminths.

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