Patient treatment results with long-term non-healing postoperative wounds

Patient treatment results with long-term non-healing postoperative wounds

AUTHORS : Salia N.T.

YEAR : 2000 | Category : Clinical evaluation

Study opportunities bioresonance therapy revealed the effectiveness of its use in cases with long-term non-healing wounds.

Examples of 1. Patient G., 74 years old.

Anamnesis: in 1954 in the neck along the posterolateral surface showed a formation up to 0.5 cm in diameter, without changes in the skin. After 4 years, after giving birth, the tumor began to increase in size. Basalioma was diagnosed in 1959. Moxibustion was done. After 2 years, due to tumor growth, surgical treatment. The postoperative wound dispersed and within 18 years the wound was 10 6 cm does not heal. Sluggish granulations.

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