To the question of the possibility of objectifying the concept of a constitutional homeopathic remedy

To the question of the possibility of objectifying the concept of a constitutional homeopathic remedy

AUTHORS : Akaeva1 T.V. | Mkhitaryan2 K.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1SSC RF Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS, 2Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2014


Introduction. The problem of objectifying the concept of homeopathic constitution
and constitutional homeopathic type
The question of whether it is possible to objectify the concept of constitutional homeopathic medicine (CHP), is, without exaggeration, the samea fascinating and
incomprehensible riddle of homeopathy, which until recently was presented to mathematicians by Fermat’s Last Theorem. The latter, recently surrendered to the human mind. To understand the difficulties of defining a homeopathic constitution (HA), or,constitutional homeopathic type
(CHT),which according to modern



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