Treatment of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction in patients after cholecystectomy by BRT method in a hospital

Treatment of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction in patients after cholecystectomy by BRT method in a hospital

AUTHORS : Gustomesova1 IN AND. | Sviridova2 T.N. | Gustomesova1 E.N. | Zvereva1 HER.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1BUZ VO VOKB No. 1,2 GBOU VPO VGMA them. N.N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia
YEAR : 2015

Currently, up to 200 thousand gallbladder removal operations are performed annually in Russia. In the world, among surgical interventions on the abdominal
organs, cholecystectomy is the second most frequent after appendectomy. However, cholecystectomy in cholecystectomy does not always lead to recovery, in
20–51% of patients at various times after the operation, abdominal pain syndrome and dyspeptic disorders persist, that is, postcholecystectomy syndrome (PCES) is



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