Research and correction of physical and psychological performance in individuals in different climatic conditions

Research and correction of physical and psychological performance in individuals in different climatic conditions

AUTHORS : Sharova L.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Perm State Pedagogical University, Department of Adaptive Physical Culture, Perm, Russia
YEAR : 2009


Despite significant progress in the development of national health care, many problems of maintaining and strengthening health remain unresolved. First, at the present stage, for various reasons, medical provision remains at a rather low level. Secondly, the cost of various diagnostic procedures and, especially, treatment is extremely high and often inaccessible to a significant part of the Russian population. Thirdly, methodologically, medicine is oriented towards a sick person. This leads to the fact that the study of the state of health and, moreover, its strengthening, the development of new methods of influencing the functional reserves of the human body began to be engaged only very recently, thanks to the introduction of the principles of restorative medicine, based on non-drug effects.



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