Bach Flower Essence Therapy and Cooper’s Arborivital Medicine: What are the Differences?

Bach Flower Essence Therapy and Cooper’s Arborivital Medicine: What are the Differences?

AUTHORS : Smyshnikov V.N. 

YEAR : 2020 | Category : Educational

At the end of the 19th century, the ideological foundations for the discovery and research of Bach’s flower essences were laid in British homeopathy, which until the end of the century played an important role and influenced homeopathy in general. Homeopath Cooper was the author of an innovative “arborivital” system (from Latin arbori – trees, vita – life), i.e. therapy with living plants, “fresh plant therapy”.

In those days, there was one remarkable and fruitful movement, originating in ancient herbalism and vitalism and approaching homeopathy. Proponents of this trend used plant tinctures that were prepared using proof alcohol (or spring water). In the case of Cooper, and then Bach, it was unusual that they both preferred to immerse “living tissue of plants” in proof alcohol (or spring water) and expose to the sun. “A dynamic illness is destroyed by another, stronger one, if the latter is similar to the first.

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