Modern requirements for the production of homeopathic medicinal funds

Modern requirements for the production of homeopathic medicinal funds

AUTHORS : Pyatigorsk1 N.V. | Zamarenov2 ON. | Hecht1 A.E. | Coastal1 V.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1GOU VPO Moscow Medical Academy. I.M.Sechenov, Moscow, 2Russian Homeopathic Association, Moscow
YEAR : 2010


As a result of the studies carried out to study the regulatory framework of Russia for the regulation of the production of homeopathic medicines (GomLS), structural
proposals have been developed for the elements of requirements for the production of GomLS. Regulatory documents are presented that formulate the requirements for each of the sections of the GMP Rules for the production of GomLs. Shows the logical relationship
of the elements of each of the ten sections of the GMP Rules with each other.



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