Possibilities of using crystallography for assessing energy-informational effects in vitro

Possibilities of using crystallography for assessing energy-informational effects in vitro

AUTHORS : Chilingirov R.Kh. | Leskin G.S. | Morozova N.G. | Gotovsky Yu.V. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Type of application

At the heart of various medical and diagnostic energy-informational methods, whether it is electropunctural drug testing, the process of energyinformation transfer of the properties of one substance to another carrier, which is close to it in biophysical nature, or the impact of external or in a certain way corrected by its own signals of the body (bio-, multiresonance therapy) is the process of transferring information energy.

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