Treatment of late vascular complications in patients with postcoid syndrome

Treatment of late vascular complications in patients with postcoid syndrome

AUTHORS : Gustomesov V.I. | Kuznetsov S.I. | Gustomesova E.N. | Bolgov D.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : BUZ VO Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1, FGBOU VO Voronezh State
YEAR : 2021 | Category : Method of Treatment

COVID-19 affects different groups of people to varying degrees and can cause damage to all organs. It has been proven that the coronavirus primarily affects organs with chronic diseases. At the same time, during the postcoid syndrome, latent diseases are often exacerbated, of which the person did not even suspect. Postcoid syndrome is a dangerous condition that can affect the physical and psychological state of a person.

The cardiovascular system is especially sensitive to a new infection. The formation of microthrombi occurs due to a violation of blood clotting, and changes in the rigidity of the vascular wall cause high blood pressure – and this is not all the consequences of the new virus. Seriously enough, COVID-19 can hit the health of people who already suffer from chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

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