Acupuncture analgesia for compression neuromuscular syndromes

Acupuncture analgesia for compression neuromuscular syndromes

AUTHORS : Ji Yubo | Kachan A.T. | Nikischenkova A.S. | Guzalov P.G. | Zhulev S.N. | Zhulev N.M.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GBOU VPO North- Western State Medical University named after Mechnikov of the Ministry of Health and Social
development of Russia, St. Petersburg
YEAR : 2011


V article examines methodologies acupuncture treatment compression neuropathies. Special attention is paid to acupuncture, as one of the
most effective non-drug methods of treatment. The article also describes the
mechanisms of acupuncture pain relief and recommended treatment programs.
Key words: non-drug methods of treatment, acupunctureanesthesia,
compression neuromuscular syndromes, mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia,
inhibitory and exciting method of acupuncture.



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