Runes as a variant of the system of spiritual adaptations

Runes as a variant of the system of spiritual adaptations

AUTHORS : Bobrov I.A.

YEAR : 2009


The rune system is a Scandinavian mantic system that describes the development of any process, including human life. This is a kind of “northern”
version of the Chinese “Book of Changes” “I-tsin”. Only instead of a sequence of traits – yin or yang – a sequence of symbols is used here. Each such symbol can be
considered as archetypal in relation to any situation, including the life of a person, which was used by the Scandinavian shamans when conducting fortune-telling
procedures. At the same time, both the meanings of “straight” (“not inverted”) runes, and “inverted” runes, symbolizing the situation, the opposite, or negative,
relative to the situation symbolized by the straight rune, were considered.



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