ART and exogenous BRT in the diagnosis and treatment of undiagnosed diseases etiology (case from practice)

ART and exogenous BRT in the diagnosis and treatment of undiagnosed diseases etiology (case from practice)

AUTHORS : Bulgakov M.E.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2006


Patient D.G., 11 years old, turned to the Center for pain in the right hypochondrium of an aching character in the morning (5-10) hours and rarely in
the evening (21-22 hours). During a painful attack, the temperature periodically rises to 38 C. Complaints of skin rash, accompanied by itching, as well as frequent
bronchitis. These complaints accompany the child for 2 years. Treatment in the district clinic did not improve the condition. Numerous fecal test results for
helminth eggs are negative.



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