Electromagnetic resonators in human blood plasma

Electromagnetic resonators in human blood plasma

AUTHORS : Alekseeva E.V. | Eliseeva O.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2006


“Space surrounds us everywhere,” said the famous researcher and scientist Piccardi. “You don’t have to go on an interplanetary journey to get there. There is
even no need to leave your own home … ”. We began to uncover the specific mechanism of the effect of cosmic radiation
on the microcosm, which so comfortably lives in our blood plasma, while sitting “at
home”, looking into a microscope. The scanning electron microscope allows you to
examine individual details on a blood smear that are not visible in a light microscope,
to make an energy dispersive analysis and to clarify the chemical composition at a
specific point.



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