Psychology aspects of musical perception in patient selection for music therapy

Psychology aspects of musical perception in patient selection for music therapy

AUTHORS : Shushardzhan S.V. |  Pushkina O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific Center for Music Therapy and Medical-Acoustic Technologies
RNTSVM and K of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004


The musical languages used in art are as diverse as the linguistic forms of human communication.
Therefore, for the correct choice of the method of musical-therapeutic influence, it is first of all necessary to determine the musical genre (or genres) that
is most understandable and close to this particular person. Education of musical ear, the ability to adequately perceive musical sound
(especially at an early age) would be practically impossible without reliance on
spatial, objective, motor sensations, and personal experience.



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