,Chromatographic study of the flavonoid composition of fresh bulbs of Allium cepa L., used in homeopathyG.A. Zinchenko

Chromatographic study of the flavonoid composition of fresh bulbs of Allium cepa L., used in homeopathyG.A. Zinchenko,

AUTHORS :  Kiseleva T.L. |  Nefedova A.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Homeopathy and Naturotherapy of the Federal Scientific Clinical Experimental
Center for Traditional Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
YEAR : 2004

The method of homeopathy is approved for medical use on the territory of the Russian Federation by
order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 335 dated November 29, 1995 [2]. However, there
is still no domestic homeopathic pharmacopoeia. In this regard, the development of criteria and methods for
determining the authenticity and good quality of homeopathic raw materials of plant origin is relevant.
The aim of the study was a chromatographic study of the flavonoid composition of fresh
bulbs of five varieties of onion Allium cepa L. grown on the territory of the Russian Federation,
used in homeopathy.



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