Universal adaptation theory

Universal adaptation theory

AUTHORS : Birilo I.G.

YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

In this work, I made an attempt to create a universal adaptation model. In my work, I did not rely on the following theoretical concepts:

1. The theory of functional systems PK Anokhin. The basis of which is the idea that the backbone factor of any system is result, and for the whole organism, such a result is adaptation. In addition, the most important is the fact of the existence at the point of the “acceptor of the result” of the image of the expected result, i.e. there is a process of “anticipatory reflection of reality”.

2. Opened L.H. Garkawi existence of 2 systems of functioning: SYSTEMS OF REACTIONS AND SYSTEMS OF RESPONSE. According to this theory, reaction system carries out work on adaptation organism to the conditions of the external environment (“external work”). Unresponsiveness system carries out work to on accumulation and restore reserves (“internal work”). The theory of functional systems existing today does not take into account the presence of this fact.

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