Features of the assessment of radiation exposure by the method of vegetative resonance test

Features of the assessment of radiation exposure by the method of vegetative resonance test

AUTHORS : Tikhomirov D.D. | Solomatin V.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center for High Technologies, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

Work over the past five years on the program of examining persons (disabled people) exposed to radiation due to various radiation accidents (Chernobyl, Chelyabinsk) and atomic tests (a group of special risk) required a new look at the assessment of the levels of the so-called “radioactive load” by the method of vegetative resonance test (ART). The total number of persons from the higher categories we examined, including their children (first generation) and grandchildren (second generation), was about 1000 people, and the number of examinations by the ART method was about 4000, that is, about 4 examinations per person.

At the initial stage of work using the ART method, we were surprised that not all people with an officially confirmed dose load, including those who had acute radiation sickness in a separate period, had the ART indicator “Radioactive load” giving a positive result. That is, the “Radioactive load” indicator worked, but not always. We observed the same in persons who had fresh X-ray irradiation, during examination of teeth, chest, etc., when the factor was tested by indicating the X-ray irradiation (Globula D1000).

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