Experimental substantiation of the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines from the drug selector of the APK “IMEDIS-FALL”

Experimental substantiation of the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines from the drug selector of the APK “IMEDIS-FALL”

AUTHORS : Pirtskhalava T.G.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : TSMU, Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Department of Traditional Medicine, St. Tbilisi, Georgia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Clinical Experience

The electronic drug selector (MC) is a synthesis of the latest achievements in electronics, physics, computer technology, energy-information medicine, homeopathy and other fields of science. Often for homeopathic doctors, follists, especially for beginners, it is difficult to imagine the energy-informational transfer of medicinal properties of medicines, especially the preparation of electronic copies of medicines from MS. Therefore, they are unreasonably critical of the effectiveness of such drugs and do not use them in their clinical practice.

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