Experience in the use of bioresonance and multiresonance therapy for children of a boarding school for orphans

Experience in the use of bioresonance and multiresonance therapy for children of a boarding school for orphans

AUTHORS : Emushintseva T.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : boarding school №69, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Method of treatment

The contingent of children in the boarding school is difficult, because mostly children from socially disadvantaged families whose parents abused alcohol, toxic, narcotic substances, mentally ill people, as a result of which they were deprived of parental rights. As a rule, these are children with combined somatic pathology, as well as psychologically traumatized, socially neglected children. They have problems not only with health, but also with learning, with communication in a team. Getting into a boarding school, many of them cannot adapt for a long time.

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