Experience of pathogenetic treatment of diabetes mellitus

Experience of pathogenetic treatment of diabetes mellitus

AUTHORS : Mishiev M.I. | Bravo O.S. | Buzurnaya E.M.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical diagnostic and treatment center “IZGOLS PLUS”, g. Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Experience

Today, diabetes mellitus (DM) is the most common endocrinological pathology in many countries of the world. On the basis of the IZGOLS PLUS Consultative and Diagnostic Center, 7 patients with diabetes aged from 4 to 66 years were observed and received treatment. Taking into account the seriousness of the problem under consideration and the small number of patients, we considered it possible and necessary to dwell on each of them in more detail.

1. Patient D., 11 years old. By the time of treatment, she was sick for about a year, diabetes was discovered by chance against the background of treatment of the existing hypothyroidism, probably of autoimmune genesis, and an overdose of L-thyroxine. By the time of treatment, the total daily dose of insulin (prolonged + simple) is about 16-24 units. Mom’s pregnancy was uneventful, delivery on time, dry, rapid. It has been observed for a little over six months.

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