Electropuncture express diagnostics of patients with chlamydial urethroprostatitis and Reiter’s disease

Electropuncture express diagnostics of patients with chlamydial urethroprostatitis and Reiter’s disease

AUTHORS : Chilingirov R.Kh. | Leskin G.S. | Molochkov V.A. | Gosteva I.V. | Abaeva L.F. | Gotovsky Yu.V. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Research

Currently, the most common cause of urogenital infections is damage to the genitourinary system chlamidia thrachomatis. At the same time, chlamydial infection is often asymptomatic, especially in the initial stages of the disease, which causes serious problems both in the timely diagnosis and in the treatment of prostatitis.

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