Experience of using the bioresonance method in the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

Experience of using the bioresonance method in the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

AUTHORS : Ukhankova N.I. | Sotskaya T.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MUZpolyclinic No. 4, Voronezh, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Clinical Experience

In the etiology and pathogenesis of vasomotor rhinitis, the main role is played by functional changes in the vessels of the nasal mucosa, caused by changes in the autonomic nervous and endocrine systems (LB Daynyak, 1966). The blood supply to the nasal mucosa is carried out by vessels from the system of external and internal carotid arteries, which, branching out, form a complex network of arterio-venous anastomoses (Ya.S. Nakatis et al., 1984; MS Pluzhnikov et al., 1995).

The known methods of treating patients with vasomotor rhinitis are not always effective, which was the reason for studying the effect of bioresonance therapy in the neurovegetative form of vasomotor rhinitis. The effect of this therapy is to neutralize pathological fluctuations in the patient and to activate the adaptive forces of the body due to the inversion of pathological fluctuations.

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