Experience of using the new homeopathic remedy Peganum harmala in the treatment of uterine fibroids

Experience of using the new homeopathic remedy Peganum harmala in the treatment of uterine fibroids

AUTHORS : Tiraspolskiy I.V. | Timofeeva T.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : SRMC “Supermed”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1998  | Category : Experience

Uterine myoma in the structure of gynecological pathology is 10–27% and is an important problem. At the present stage, it is advisable to approach the appointment of homeopathic therapy on the basis of the concept of resultant systems (Tiraspolsky I.V., 1997). The genesis of uterine fibroids is mainly involved in the mental, neuroendocrine and immune systems. According to Ilyin V.I. (1983), in patients with uterine myoma has place, on the one hand, an increased tendency to re an increased need to strictly observe focus on the approval of others.

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