The effectiveness of bioresonance and multiresonance therapy in preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation of patients
AUTHORS : Madgaziev R.M. | Madgaziev O.R.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Fergana city, Uzbekistan
YEAR : 1997 | Category : Method of Treatment
occurred in the body that threaten the patient’s life. When every overdue day aggravates the patient’s condition, depleting the body’s resources. These include patients with complicated forms of gastric ulcer and 12-duodenal ulcer (pyloric stenosis, bleeding callous ulcers, penentrating ulcers, etc.), calculous cholecystitis with obstructive jaundice and pancreatitis, echinococcus of the liver and other organs, when most organ is replaced by cystic formation. At this stage, it is not rational to count on the success of conservative treatment, including bioresonance and multiresonance therapy.