Quantification of the amount of flavonoids in clove buds

Quantification of the amount of flavonoids in clove buds

AUTHORS : Tarrab I.A. | Evdokimova O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GBOU VPO Moscow State Medical University named after I.M.Sechenov, Moscow
YEAR : 2013


RESUME The research of developing a methodic for determination of quantity of flavonoids in carnation buds using differential spectrometry as well as results of validation of the methodic are presented. The acceptance criteria for the method were determined. The norm for content of biologically active substances in raw carnation is suggested. Keywords: carnation bud, quantification, flavonoids SUMMARY The article presents studies on the development of a method for the quantitative determination of the amount of flavonoids in clove buds by the method of differential spectrophotometry. The proposed method was also validated.
The criteria for the acceptability of the developed method are established. The norm of the content of biologically
active substances in the raw material of cloves has been proposed.
Key words: clove buds, quantification, flavonoids



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