Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C and B

Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C and B

AUTHORS : Huseynov S.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : clinic “Atlant”, Baku, Azerbaijan
YEAR : 2008


There are still no medicines that destroy viruses! Therefore, chronic viral diseases, such as hepatitis C and B, are considered incurable. These diseases go
unnoticed for a long time and are often detected during random analyzes. Despite this, 30% of patients suddenly develop cirrhosis or liver cancer. In addition, these
diseases are contagious, easily transmitted from person to person through blood, medical instruments, sexually, etc. Therefore, serious problems arise in the family
and in relations with other people. To reduce the risk of complications and infectiousness, drugs are used – interferons, etc. These drugs can only delay the
multiplication of viruses. But, if the viruses do not die, then the courses of treatment with interferons will have to be repeated. And this is already dangerous, tk.



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