The rate of disability in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, correction of therapy with using a drug test
AUTHORS : Khachumova K.G. | Lytkina K.A. | Vorontsov L.N.
YEAR : 2008
Ankylosing spondylitis is one of the rheumatological diseases most often leading to disability in patients. According to E.R. Agababova (1997), 30% of patients with AS receive a disability group. At the same time, a significant part of the disabled are persons under the age of 30. The prevalence of AS, according to statistics, is 1: 200 of the adult population – 0.05% (Siepar J, 2002). However, the true
prevalence appears to be higher. It is obvious that the disability of patients is not only social, but also economic in nature.
Thus, the study of predictors of disability in patients with AS is highly relevant. The aim of our
study was to study patients with AS at an early stage of the disease, to isolate markers indicating a
more severe course of the disease, the rate of disability in this disease, and correction of therapy
using a drug test.