The problem of authenticity and good quality of samples of medicinal raw materials Herba Astragali membranacei from various manufacturers
AUTHORS : Frolova A.A. | Grishanina E.V. | Durnova N.A. | Berezutsky M.A. | Matvienko W.A.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Saratov State Medical University. IN AND. Razumovsky (r.
YEAR : 2021
SUMMARY This study analyzed samples of the herb Astragalus membranacei (Herba Astragali membranacei) from different manufacturers and established the correspondence of each sample to the declared name. Astragalus membranous has a variety of pharmacological properties and belongs to traditional medicines in China, and is also used in traditional medicine in Russia, therefore, its falsification
can significantly affect the health of patients