Treatment of duodenal ulcer by the BRT method in hospital
AUTHORS : Gustomesova IN AND. | Gustomesova E.N. | Sviridova T.N. | Zvereva E.E.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : BUZ Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1, Voronezh State Medical Academy named after N.N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia
YEAR : 2013
Ulcerative disease – chronic recurrent disease, – chronic recurrent disease,The prevalence of peptic ulcer disease among the adult population is 7-ten %.
Duodenal ulcer localization is diagnosed more often than gastric (ratio 4: 1). Among patients with duodenal ulcers, there are more men than women, while
among patients with stomach ulcers, the ratio of men and women is approximately
the same.