Bioresonance therapy in the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitusin combination with chronic pancreatitis with impaired intra- and exocrine pancreatic function

Bioresonance therapy in the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitusin combination
with chronic pancreatitis with impaired intra- and exocrine pancreatic function

AUTHORS : Gustomesova V.I. | Sviridova T. N. | Gustomesova E.N. | Ponomareva L.A. | Studenikina E.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : BUZ VO Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1, FGBOU VGMU them. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia
YEAR : 2020 | Category : Method of Treatment

In the modern world, diabetes mellitus is one of the nosologies that belong to the category of not only medical, but also socially significant problems of a global scale. Diabetes mellitus has a high prevalence, severe life-threatening complications, and also requires significant economic costs for diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Since 2000, the number of patients with diabetes in the Russian Federation has grown 2.2 times – from 2.043 million [2] to 4.58 million people.

As of 01.01.2019, the total number of patients with diabetes in the Russian Federation was 4,584,575 (3.12% of the population of the Russian Federation), including: DM1 – 5.6% (256.2 thousand), DM2 – 92.4% (4.24 million), other types of diabetes – 2% (89.9 thousand [1]. That is why the mass of forces and resources of the entire health care system is aimed at studying the causes and mechanisms of diabetes mellitus development, Type 1 diabetes mellitus is considered the most severe form of diabetes mellitus in terms of correction and possible complications.

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