Study of the possibilities of bioresonance technologies on the model of tumor growth in the experiment

Study of the possibilities of bioresonance technologies on the model of tumor growth in the experiment

AUTHORS : Kudaev A.E. | Khodareva N.K. | Barsukova L.P.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center for Innovative Technologies “Artemis” GBU RO “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center No. 1”, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Research

Introduction Previously, we conducted experiments and published data on the antitumor effect of bioresonance therapy and frequency effects on animals with large initial tumor volumes; volumes that are usually not resorbable. Induced Guerin’s carcinoma, a poorly differentiated epithelial malignant tumor of rats, characterized by active vascularization, metastatic activity and resistance to chemotherapeutic agents, was not observed as a model of tumor growth. The application of several “formulations” of bioresonance and frequency effects was tested.

A pronounced effect was obtained: inhibition of tumor growth, tumor resorption, complete resorption, which was accompanied by a positive dynamics of the morphological picture [1, 2]. The aim of this work was to optimize antitumor effects,aimed at suppressing tumor growth. To achieve this goal, informational preparations (IP) were used using recordings of the death of tumor cells, microelements, long-lived animals, and plant poisons with modulation by signals of brain rhythms and color. Various schemes of the conducted impacts were also evaluated. The presented experimental work consisted of 4 stages.

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