The use of multiresonance therapy in the treatment of fetal pathology

The use of multiresonance therapy in the treatment of fetal pathology

AUTHORS : Nadolnaya I.V. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Bioresonance therapy room, Khabarovsk, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Method of Treatment

From time to time, the bioresonance therapy physician is faced with the question of the limits of his competence. To what extent we have the right to interfere with certain processes occurring inside the body, and even more so when it comes to pregnancy and fetal development. The outlined example of a specific clinical case gives us a reason to do everything possible within the framework of the methods that we possess, especially given the great plasticity of the processes occurring during intrauterine development. Clinical example Patient G., 35 years old, with a pregnancy of 31 weeks, turned to the office.

At 22 weeks of gestation. on the ultrasound from 07/26/18, VSD, tubular hypoplasia of the aorta and agenesis of the cerebellar vermis (Dandy-Walker malformation) were found. Control ultrasound from 08/07/18, for a period of 23 weeks. 5 days in another medical institution, the diagnosis was confirmed with clarification – there is a break in the aortic arch. Obstetricians-gynecologists categorically insisted on abortion, because if it is possible to cope with malformations of the heart quickly, it is impossible for the cerebellar worm, according to them, to grow.

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