The role of the thalamus and other parts of the central nervous system in ART tests

The role of the thalamus and other parts of the central nervous system in ART tests

AUTHORS : Postnikova O.A. | Postnikova E.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow Homeopathic Center, Department of Homeopathy and Electro-acupuncture
medicine IPK FMBA of Russia, CJSC “INTERMED”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2013


An important role in assessing the state of the body is played by studies of the state of various parts of the central nervous system: diencephalon, mesencephalon, medulla oblongata, the role of the thalamus and gray tubercle, which are responsible for sensitivity and metabolic
processes in the body, is especially important. The perception of the state of the whole organism and the adequacy of the correction of pathological conditions by the organism depend on the correct tuning of these regulatory systems. Testing of the state of these parts and the thalamus is carried out by the ART
method using the extended author’s scales of mesenchyme and scales of three germ
layers. The thalamus is the center of sensitivity, here peripheral sensory nerve fibers switch



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