Information-wave technologies of diagnostics and treatment in patients with purulent lesions of bones and large joints

Information-wave technologies of diagnostics and treatment in patients with purulent lesions of bones and large joints

AUTHORS :  Chilingirovone R.Kh. | Eremin2 A.V. | Meysersone HER.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneInstitute of Reflexology FNCEC TMDL of the Ministry of Health and Social Development,
2MONIKI them. M.F. Vladimirsky, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2009


Despite the achieved success in the treatment of trauma patients with purulent surgical infection, the incidence of chronic the inflammatory process in this category of patients remains quite high. This is facilitated by the presence of severe mechanical trauma, iatrogenic defects in treatment, a change in the spectrum of pathogenic flora causing suppuration, as well as disturbances in the activity of the body’s immune system [6, 7, 8]. Osteomyelitis is detected in 3–24% of cases after open fractures and in 1–7% after surgical treatment of closed fractures.



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