Use of dental alloys with minimal risk of manifestations of intolerance (Scientific and practical aspects)

Use of dental alloys with minimal risk of manifestations of intolerance (Scientific and practical aspects)

AUTHORS : Kozin V.N. | Leontiev V.K.

YEAR : 2006


Medical materials that are in contact with body fluids and tissues for a long time can have significant negative effects through various mechanisms.
By the products of their dissolution, materials can produce toxic and allergic effects [five]. They
can also have negative (and not only) functional effects due to their characteristic resonance spectra
in the field of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, the so-called”Spectral effects” [6].
Alloys due to electrochemical interaction with each other, as well as with diffuse remnants of
alloys [3, 4] can provide significant negative exposure to electric current and electric field. Due to the
electrochemical processes occurring on their surfaces, they may be subject intensive electrochemical
dissolution and therefore



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