On the diagnostic capabilities of the IMEDIS equipment in the mode contactless application

On the diagnostic capabilities of the IMEDIS equipment in the mode contactless application

AUTHORS : Tikhomirov D.D.

YEAR : 2006


The development of methods of electropunctural diagnostics according to different authors has formed ambiguous approaches to the use of various current
parameters. So, for example, the followers of the Nakatani (Ryodoraku) method have stood and are in the position that only the use of a diagnostic signal of at
least 200 μA makes it possible to overcome the impedance of the skin and other organs. Followers of the Voll method are convinced that the use of probing signals
at a level of several μA (up to 10) meets all the requirements of physiological processes in the body. Recently, the use of the method of electroacupuncture
vegetative resonance test (ART) has statistically reliably shown the acceptability and physiology of using lower values of probing signals – literally at the level of 1–
2 μA.



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