Diseases caused by deficiency and excess of color – a bioresonance approach to diagnosis and treatment

Diseases caused by deficiency and excess of color – a bioresonance approach to diagnosis and treatment

AUTHORS : Ivanchenko V.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Pulse”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005


Currently, color therapy is widely used in the arsenal of bioresonance medicine methods for the treatment of various diseases. Nevertheless, color is used mainly by
empirical selection, the theory of its effect on the body is poorly developed. Often, in some cases, the color works well, while in others it turns out to be ineffective. This limits the capabilities of the method. Meanwhile, sunlight, which has a whole rainbow of colors, supports life on Earth and has
an important information and energy value. First of all, it is the maintenance of the function of
the retina, visual centers of the brain and photoreceptors of the skin. In our practice, there were
several people, including the blind,



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