Homeostatics and acupuncture

Homeostatics and acupuncture

AUTHORS :  Stepanov A.M. |  Meysers E.E.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Reflexology of the Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for
Traditional Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment of Roszdrav, Moscow
YEAR : 2005


The development of ideas about the mechanisms of self-regulation of complex systems showed the insufficiency of our knowledge about the laws of control in both living and inanimate nature. The paradigm of scientists involved in modeling control laws in natural and complex
technical complexes is that the model should not contain contradictions within itself. Real systems are still being built on this principle. Any models containing an internal
contradiction are considered not to reflect reality and are not viable. Nevertheless, a thorough study of natural objects (primarily living organisms) shows that internal
contradiction plays a constructive role in these systems [3, 9]. This phenomenon was noticed in time immemorial and was one of the most important philosophical
generalizations of human thought in the form of the law of struggle and the unity of



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