Energy information copies (indicator objects) of energy information objects, methods for their preparation, use and their application in medicine

Energy information copies (indicator objects) of energy information objects, methods for their preparation, use and their application in medicine

AUTHORS : Kudaev A.E. | Mkhitaryan K.N. | Khodareva N.K.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : RANS, Moscow; CIT “Artemida”, Rostov‑on‑Don; Russia
YEAR : 2005


1. Introduction. Some basic concepts of the energy‑informational paradigm Traditional information theory studies the processes of information transmission over a noisy
channel, assuming that the source of this information and its receiver have the ability to unambiguously (objectively) restore and use it.
The energy‑information paradigm (in essence, one of the directions of information theory) studies the processes of transmission, reception, storage and processing of information under the additional assumption that the receiver of information has internal sources of energy that allow it to
carry out, under the influence of the transmitted information, transform itself and the environment
into which energy is expended, significantly exceeding the energy with which this information itself
was transmitted.



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