Treatment of humeral scapular periarthritis with induction magnetotherapy

Treatment of humeral scapular periarthritis with induction magnetotherapy

AUTHORS : Yakunina L.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : State University of Medicine and Pharmacy named after N.A. Testemitanu,
Department of Orthopedics, Traumatology and Military Field Surgery;
Chisinau, Moldova
YEAR : 2004


The growth of multiple and concomitant injuries of the musculoskeletal system makes orthopedic traumatologists pay special attention to a number of
urgent problems arising from injuries of the cervical spine (fractures, fracturedislocations) and inflammatory processes in the suprascapular region, the capsule
of the shoulder joint and in the paraarticular tissues (humeral periarthritis). For the diagnosis and treatment of periarthritis, it is necessary to understand the degree
of the pathological condition, which is a diffuse form of traumatic degeneration
and inflammation of the articular capsule and paraarticular tissues.



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