Features of the treatment of dysbiosis in children and adults by the BRT method

Features of the treatment of dysbiosis in children and adults by the BRT method

AUTHORS : Musaev A.

YEAR : 2004 | Category : Educational

The discovery of antibiotics has done humanity a twofold service: it saved lives by destroying pathogenic bacteria, and on the other hand, the uncontrolled use of antibiotics led to the emergence of a new disease – dysbiosis, as a consequence of the destruction of normal microflora intestines.

While more and more antibiotics are being created in laboratories, microorganisms develop insensitivity to them. It has been established that during the conjugation period they transfer DNA from one to another in the form of plasmids containing a gene capable of synthesizing enzymes that neutralize the antibiotic. In the process of work, we encountered the problem of dysbiosis in all its complexity.

Almost every child who underwent a primary examination using the method of vegetative resonance test (ART) “IMEDIS-TEST” before treatment had dysbacteriosis, confirmed by laboratory tests: from a decrease in the enzymatic activity of lacto- and bifidobacteria, to the presence of pathogenic microflora, congenital forms dysbiosis and its severe skin manifestations.

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