Bioresonance therapy for anesthetic support of operations for adrenal tumors

Bioresonance therapy for anesthetic support of operations for adrenal tumors

AUTHORS : Azbarov A.A. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A.A. Vishnevsky; Head – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Yu.V. Nemytin, Krasnogorsk, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Type of Application

Hormone-active tumors adrenal glands, leading To increased release of these hormones are the cause of persistent arterial hypertension syndrome, which is difficult to respond to antihypertensive therapy and leads to early disability and death of patients. Treatment of patients in this category consists in the surgical removal of adrenal tumors. It is associated with a great risk to the patient’s health and life, since during manipulation of the adrenal glands, systolic blood pressure can reach up to 180–240 mm. rt. Art. After removal of the tumor, severe hypotension is often noted, which requires the use of large doses of cardiotonics and hormonal drugs.

However, in some cases, it even comes to cardiopulmonary resuscitation and long-term resuscitation measures in the post-treatment period. Currently, anesthetic management of operations for adrenal tumors remains an urgent problem requiring long-term preoperative preparation, careful monitoring and intensive therapy both during surgery and in the immediate postoperative period due to the high risk of poorly corrected hypotension.

In order to stabilize hemodynamics, I used an original method of anesthetic support for these operations. Preoperative preparation did not differ from conventional abdominal operations. Performed multicomponent anesthesia according to endotracheal technique with artificial lung ventilation. After the introduction of anesthesia, the patient was exfused autologous blood until the level of hematocrit decreased to 30–25%.

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