Fungicidal effect of anticancer drugs

Fungicidal effect of anticancer drugs

AUTHORS : Bulgakova M.E. | Eliseeva O.I. | Katsalap S.N. | Tikhonova I.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

One of the urgent problems of modern medicine is the treatment of mycoses, which have become widespread in recent years. The greatest problem is presented by systemic mycoses – aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis, pulmonary mycoses and some others. Single evidence available in the literature availability the mycotic component in the structure of malignant tumors, to a certain extent, encourage oncologists to further search for funds suppressing growth but fungi and ways overcoming their medicinal resistance.

Mechanism actions the majority modern antifungal drugs consists in inhibition of membrane ergosterol synthesis, subsequent disruption of its function and structure up to lysis. A classic example of such a drug is amphotericin B, which has a fungicidal effect due to the lysis of fungi due to dysfunction and structure of the cytoplasmic membrane. At the same time, amphotericin B also has a wide range of side effects on the human body. All this was the basis for the search for opportunities to expand the arsenal of antifungal agents. Including, and for use in the treatment of cancer.

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