The use of the vegetative resonance test “IMEDIS-TEST” when assessing the influence of industrial and environmental factors on the change functional state of the human body

The use of the vegetative resonance test “IMEDIS-TEST” when assessing the influence of industrial and environmental factors on the change functional state of the human body

AUTHORS : Paltsev Yu.P. | Kuzmina L.P. | Bezrukavnikova L.M. | Khaibulina A.Z. | Bolshakova V.A. | Mironov V.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Research Institute of Labor Medicine, RAMS, ATRAN LLC, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Type of application

The main element of industrial and environmental safety of a person from the adverse effects of electromagnetic radiation from various external factors is hygienic regulation. However, the traditional measuring instruments currently used in hygienic practice do not fully ensure the measurement of electromagnetic radiation acting on a person, as well as the measurement of radiation from sources with an unknown frequency, to which radiation in zones of natural anomalies (geopathogenic zones) can be attributed.

The problem of measuring and the effectiveness of protecting a person from the energy-informational effects of pulsed and modulated electric and especially magnetic fields remains open today.

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