Improving the efficiency of diagnostics when using electropuncture vegetative resonance test

Improving the efficiency of diagnostics when using electropuncture vegetative resonance test

AUTHORS : Solomatin V.A. | Tikhomirov D.D.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center for High Technologies under the Association of the Union “Chernobyl”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational

The use of various electrophysiological methods in the diagnosis of human diseases – electromyography, electrocardiography, evoked potentials, electroencephalography, electropunctural diagnostics according to R. Voll, electropunctural vegetative resonance test, biofunctional segmental organometry – suggests the following general properties:

1. The presence of positive (active) and negative (passive) electrode or, electrodes, from which a probing signal is transmitted to the other.

2. The parameters of the currents generated by the device must be comparable with control currents in the concerned area of diagnostics.

3. Factors of interference in the registration of a signal from a signal sent from an active the electrode at the point or area of reception should be minimized against the background of the desired minimization of the probe signal itself.

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