On the role of the methodology of thinking of a doctor-operator in the process of diagnosis and treatment with energy-informational methods

On the role of the methodology of thinking of a doctor-operator in the process of diagnosis and treatment with energy-informational methods

AUTHORS : Trifonov A.V. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : International Foundation “Help Yourself”, Medical Center “Help Yourself myself”, ch. doctor honey. Center Trifonov A.V., Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational

Using terms such as diagnosis and therapy in our medical practice, we often do not understand the essential meaning of these terms and often fall into a methodological error in the process of analyzing the problem of pathology, building an algorithm for influencing this problem by choosing the means of influence, that is, in the process of treatment. There is an international classification of nosological forms, which is used by the entire official medical world.

For each nosological form, the so-called Scientific concepts of the causes and mechanisms of the implementation of a specific nosology have been developed, taking into account all the achievements of various sciences that study the phenomenon of life and the conditions of its existence. On the basis of this knowledge, appropriate means and algorithms of treatment, methods of diagnosis, objectification and prevention of diseases have been developed for each disease.

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