Using fixed mental images in determining frequency and the duration of taking multiresonant drugs

Using fixed mental images in determining frequency and the duration of taking multiresonant drugs

AUTHORS : Fedotov D.S.

YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational

For none of the doctors using multiresonance therapy (MRI), it will not be a revelation to think about a very problematic situation when a drug carefully selected and tested by the number of globules must be handed over to a patient and told how many times a day and for how long he should take this drug.

If, when prescribing homeopathic remedies, we often focus on the potency and / or nature of the disorder to be corrected, while knowing that homeopathy acts slowly, especially in chronic cases, then with the appointment of an individually created multiresonant drug (MRP), each time there are great difficulties generated by big doubts. MCI can “work” both slowly and quickly, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the term of its “service” is always limited by the task assigned to it.

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