Method for the treatment and prevention of relapse cervical osteochondrosis of the spine

Method for the treatment and prevention of relapse cervical osteochondrosis of the spine

AUTHORS : Usacheva L.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, Department of Environmental and Catastrophic Medicine, head of the department – Professor P.M. Burdukov; Perm, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational

The invention relates to medicine, namely to bioresonance therapy. A known method of treatment and prevention of the cervical spine by exposure to laser therapy or electrotherapy on biologically active points (BAP) [1, 2]. Disadvantages: the method is stressful for the patient and has contraindications, in some cases it is not effective enough. The invention is aimed at solving the problem: increasing the efficiency of the method, prevention of side effects.

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